Unique Date Ideas to Try in Bordeaux

Holding hands
Holding hands | © Freestocks.org/Unsplash
Jennifer Migan

Paris may be considered the romance capital of the world, but Bordeaux is surely a place perfectly suitable for tourists’ and locals’ romantic ideas as well. Here are 12 unique date ideas, excursions, and attractions that couples should try and experience while in this fantastic city.

1. The wine bar of Le Boutique Hôtel

Wine Bar, Boutique Hotel Restaurant, Hotel Restaurant, Wine, Beer, Cocktails, French

Going to a wine bar sounds cliché, but this one is definitely worth it. Wait for a special occasion to surprise a date with this exceptional wine bar located in the hotel’s secret garden.

2. Inject some festival vibes in your relationship


Festivals are great opportunities to have fun in a vibrant environment. Before taking a date to one of these events, do some homework, find out what kind music they like, and find an event nearby. The good thing about Bordeaux is that there is a large variety of music festivals and concerts year round that accommodate every kind of music lover.

3. Go to the food market and cook together

Market, French

There are so many markets in Bordeaux selling excellent food from local producers. Buy some of these products and cook them together. Cooking an excellent way to connect on an “organic” level and show off any culinary skills.

4. Picnic and chill at the Parc Rivière


The Parc Rivière, slightly apart from the city centre, is the perfect place to create a romantic and intimate moment. Pack up some snacks to nibble on and spend couple hours there. Sit on one of the park’s benches and just watch life going by. It really feels like the time stops there and it is the ideal setting to take someone’s breath away.

5. An evening at Le Caillou du Jardin Botanique

Restaurant, French

Le Caillou du Jardin Botanique is a slightly remote place close to the botanical garden on the right bank of the Garonne. With great live music and good food, it is an ideal location to create an intimate atmosphere.

6. Go for a bike ride


Bordeaux is a very bike-friendly city, so seize this opportunity to explore the city’s hidden gems. Be adventurous, venture in the small streets, stop at random places, walk for a bit, snap some pictures, hop back on the bike, and start again.

7. Plan a day trip

Cafe, Restaurant, Healthy, Tea , Danish, Swedish, European

A large and original selection of tea at Koeben
© Jennifer Migan

Take the lead and plan a whole day’s worth of activities. Start with a breakfast at Koeben, a Scandinavian haven in the heart of the city, then go few streets further to visit the ruins of the Palais Gallien. Have lunch in Saint Michel’s market and take a nap in the Parc Bordelais. Go back downtown for afternoon tea and schedule a nice dinner in Saint Pierre or Rue Saint Rémy. Switch roles next time around and enjoy another adventurous day.

8. Play games

Pub, Beer

Go to a pub quiz or a blind test and have some fun together. The Starfish Pub in the praised Sainte Colombe area organizes weekly pub quizzes and blind tests. Apart from the playful and creative aspect of it, games are a great way to assess other people’s personality, their ability to play on a team, and to see their competitive side.

9. Release endorphins together


Sports are more fun when doing it with someone else. However, be careful and make sure to pick a date activity that each will—not everyone is into marathon training, after all. Running along the quais is always pleasant because thanks to the stunning sea view of the Garonne River or try something new altogether.

10. Interview each other

Memorial, Architectural Landmark, Historical Landmark

Things are going great, but the relationship is still in the get-to-know-you phase? Don’t make the mistake of not communicating intentions for the relationship and one another. Walk to the Place des Quinconces, sit on the stairs of the Monument aux Girondins, and get to know each other better. The soothing and relaxing noise of the fountain will give a casual tone to the conversation and make things easier.

11. Embark on a cruise


For an evening, embark on boat for a night and be mesmerized by the spending view over the Garonne River. When the air gets a little colder, cosy up under a blanket. Make sure seasickness isn’t an issue for either of you, otherwise a romantic idea could turn into a disaster.

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